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Names have been abridged to the first letter to preserve anonymity.

Many thanks for your time. So helpful to discuss your findings with what we experience at home. It has been quite liberating for me to now concretely understand where M’s strengths and weaknesses are as these nagging doubts have been troubling me for some time. To be told, “he is just a boy” and doing okay by teachers in the past really hasn’t put me at ease, so to finally understand why we fall into ‘holes’ at times with M’s school work and its effect on his confidence now seems so obvious. It also goes a long way in explaining why, since he first started school, he was a reluctant reader – despite being very capable of it.

Thank you so very much for this most comprehensive assessment. G totally adored every part of these sessions with you. We will certainly take your sound advice and recommendations and are very grateful for these. I shall let you know how things go for him.

Many thanks once again, Lindi. Your assessment is in line with his teacher feedback, as well as in line with his Dyslexia diagnosis. We appreciate your calm and thorough approach with R.

Hi Lindi, I hope you are doing well! I just wanted to write you a little note to say thank you so much for all your help over the years, and especially before I went to uni. I studied a Bachelor of Health, majoring in public health. I was a solid B student, which I was super stoked about! I now have a fulltime job working at a new start-up company. It is an amazing healthcare provider with big goals to make a difference to New Zealand’s health system. I really appreciate all your help and support. It got me through uni and resulted in a great job! Thank you again!

Your diagnosis has been incredibly helpful in navigating through this journey. We are super grateful. Your lovely, kind and warm nature was just what P needed to help her through this phase.

It is quite amazing that you have been alongside us both from the very first assessment with Miss K, and now we have a wonderful 18-year-old that you have played a part in supporting and influencing. I just wanted to say thank you for being there and for being part of her support team over the years. She would not have become the young woman she is without people like you in her life.


Lindi has been involved with King’s College since 2002. She has been a mentor to the Learning Support Department, including myself, in the development of Learning Support Strategies at the school.


She has continued to be connected to the school, through doing many student assessments for the families of this school. She was very positive about altering her reports so that they give the required information in an easily understood format for both teachers and parents. These reports have given the school a good foundation to focus on in helping the learning of students with learning differences. We get concrete facts to place strategies around in the development of a student. Her assessments are also accepted by NZQA.


Lindi has been very positive and sensitive to all the students and families she has worked with. She is happy to meet to explain reports so everyone is clear about the pathway forward. She gives practical examples to show how we can help and then follows up by checking all is going well. Students who complete assessments are usually very positive about the experience.


She is very comfortable to liaise with all staff and this has helped student succeed. Over the years, we have had amazing successes with students who have learning differences or the neurodiverse student and this was due to the professionalism, by Lindi, with all persons she works with.


David Ward  

Retired Head of Learning Support

Kings College


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