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Lindi Hanssen

Registered Psychologist
MA (Psychology Hons), BA (Education & Psychology), NZTC, MNZPS

Lindi is a registered psychologist with more than 30 years’ experience in private practice psychology. A member of the New Zealand Psychological Society, and a former registered teacher, Lindi worked in New Zealand and England before completing a BA in Education and Psychology and an MA in Psychology at the University of Auckland. While completing her MA thesis (Dyslexia: Problems of Definition) she coordinated dyslexia research for her MA supervisors Michael Corballis and Ivan Beale. She has previously worked with the Seabrook McKenzie Centre in Christchurch, SPELD Auckland and SPELD Christchurch. 

Areas of Interest

SLD, ADHD, ASD, Anxiety
and Behavioural Challenges

Lindi has a special interest in children and young people experiencing challenges associated with:

  • Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Anxiety

  • Behavioural challenges


Lindi has been involved with King’s College since 2002. She has been a mentor to the Learning Support Department, including myself, in the development of Learning Support Strategies at the school.


She has continued to be connected to the school, through doing many student assessments for the families of this school. She was very positive about altering her reports so that they give the required information in an easily understood format for both teachers and parents. These reports have given the school a good foundation to focus on in helping the learning of students with learning differences. We get concrete facts to place strategies around in the development of a student. Her assessments are also accepted by NZQA.


Lindi has been very positive and sensitive to all the students and families she has worked with. She is happy to meet to explain reports so everyone is clear about the pathway forward. She gives practical examples to show how we can help and then follows up by checking all is going well. Students who complete assessments are usually very positive about the experience.


She is very comfortable to liaise with all staff and this has helped student succeed. Over the years, we have had amazing successes with students who have learning differences or the neurodiverse student and this was due to the professionalism, by Lindi, with all persons she works with.


David Ward  

Retired Head of Learning Support

Kings College



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